Doubled Standards


You know that feeling when something just doesn't add up right. Way down the line, it is more like a complete reversal of what is claimed, and you don't know what took you so long! People make a thing about official denials, because so often they are par for the course after allegations are mooted. Let's not get into a double-bind here.


We likely all have our main bugbears about things and people. Something that has bothered me is a double standard in social work, helping people or not, and whether the wish really is for someone's life to improve. I first came across double standards when visiting people in mental health wards, and being somewhat in awe of social workers' knowledge. The patients quickly explained: 'We're just a number on a file to them. Don't be fooled.' Fortunately, I also met good professionals, and that stays with me.

Recently, I had an idea to pull together some threads from books on why crimes against children, in particular, were not prosecuted more, considering how many are involved, and the sexual nature. Recent books I had were painstaking and explicit, suggesting murders and cover-ups, with instigators or main perpetrators leading a charmed life as far as law enforcement were concerned. How? Why? Ferreting for slghtly older books on a relevant theme, a significant number were currently unavailable, with no Used options. I have hard copies of half, and half on Kindle that haven't been withdrawn - yet. Authors can have their own reasons for rethinking what they want to be public, or may not want to continue a theme. But if they went to a great deal of trouble and risk to warn us over something that could be important, this seems odd to me. I take my hat off to those who laboured to give what they have, many of whom suffered for their pains.

Some authors get a bad reputation through things in their personal lives, or are falsely smeared in an attempt to discredit their message, or perhaps a co-author. Some authors fall out with a line of enquiry, or perhaps with a co-worker. Some people's work goes by the board, where others put efforts into further research that proves well-founded. Who can tell sometimes till it happens? What does seem a shame is when anyone would go to the lengths of making things up wholesale, or to justify something that they realise is not true. And sometimes, it's simply that no-one really knows enough to say.

Earth Energies

Writers include: Sesh Heri, Walter Bosley, Bruce Cathie, Andrew Collins, Toyne Newton. Also look for work on ancient mounds, latitude 33 and so on. Some writers claim that certain occult practitioners add their rituals to Planetary factors, combining them with Earth currents, blocking them in key places, or using sacrifices to make their own activities more effective.

See also Blog posts at the bottom on End Times and Exopolitics.

Anyone interested in biological/technical methods of control, please go to revised Blog and scroll to Invasive Technology.

Most pages have a selection of relevant books that you may not have come across, including on coronavirus, End Times, mind control - what we're calling Mindcluk, cuckooing of the mind.

Why Are Some Crimes Not Prosecuted?

See Eaters of Children: The Pedocracy Exposed by Giovanni Johnny Cirucci.

Not only are some perpetrators against children being effectively let off, in some countries through statute of limitatations, but questions have been raised about some serial killers, and whether sometimes a case has been considered solved, when other evidence could have been overlooked, as in 'It's not what you know (or did), it's who you know.' Freemasonry means different things to different people, and conspiracy writers point to strange happenings or undue influence, such as in business or Police matters. There are countless other groups offering social, moral or practical support to their members, some with a particular focus, and some quite cult-like.

It can also be What the other People are Involved in. That does not necessarily imply their involvement or collusion in child abuse or the murder of children, for instance, but those can be a key part of other serious issues that can impact even further. I always aim not to mention people by name, or by religious group, or anything of a specific nature, even to 'mutter darkly' as if I know things other people don't. However, some authors do name names, or whole belief systems for instance. (Maybe that's why some books are 'unavailable'.) When several authors appear independently to find information that seems to support a theory or theme, are we looking at something real? Does someone who tends to a particular faith or belief system, believe exactly the same as other participants?

Writers such as Leo Zagami, Isaac Weishaupt, suggest that the Vatican has become influenced by other forces, to the point where it is nothing like people think, a total 'Reversal'. This is particularly relevant to the many allegations of child sexual abuse. Illuminati means different things to people, some claiming it began as a movement to inform and empower ordinary people, a forerunner to WikiLeaks. Read up on Mind Control. Look at the work of R.A. Chamberlin, and Truthspoon. Also Texe Marrs, Jim Marrs, Thomas Horn, Nick Redfern, Mike Bara. Could it be, as some conspiratorial writers claim, that people of particular bloodlines are genetically different from most of us, and work together to ensure their own survival and privilege?

Some writers do a grand job of putting together multiple ideas and information, leading to the work of other writers. Then they seem to go off, collaborating with others who maybe don't seem so reliable. Use what you can, and above all, Make Up Your Own Mind. We're betting on probabilities.

Below is a rather scary image of a book:

If you search around you can download a free .pdf version with drawings that make it more meaningful. Some of it is along the lines of the Leadbeater book on thoughtforms, emotions and so on. It could be that there are collections of energy either in someone's aura, or present nearby, or linked, that we actually are reacting to as if we could see them with ordinary sight. Another avenue to look at is things like entities or servitors, that are created with a specific task to perform. How do we know that some people don't just do this automatically to fulfil a need, without ever opening a magic book? It's my belief this happens more than we know.

Some families have strong traditions, and may have violent emotions. It sometimes seems these pass from generation to generation, with positive or negative consequences, having significant effects on those they come in contact with. It is not at a conscious level, and therefore may be more powerful, so the impact on others can be very much like a deliberate curse. OK, so you don't believe in them, but wait till you meet something otherwise inexplicable! Then start looking to some form of protection.

Next, I draw your attention to author Mark Stavish. He is an esoteric writer and has a YouTube channel, but is able to explain things in a way that ordinary folks can understand. He writes about egregores, or group-minds of various kinds What interested me is his little book on poltergeists and obsessions, with sections on other authors whose work I had turned to in an attempt to get an inkling. I also have a thing about protecting oneself, and he has another book on that.

There seem to be situations and people, where none of the usual ideas work to explain things, or to improve them for someone, or for oneself. I don't believe in messing about in things I do not understand, but unless we consider some things outside-the-box, we will never learn.

Some writers are into Earth energies and so on, and one would have to be pretty hard-nosed not to consider that these, plus Planetary energies or configurations could explain some of the otherwise inexplicable.

See What About Forensic Astrology? at

To get back to where this all started:

Are we effectively 'cuckooed' by other people's needs, conscious or not? Do they somehow infiltrate our own brain (or other) circuits, so we don't really know what to think for a while? Is this how cults work? or coercive situations like scams, or fraudulent relationships? A key thing to remember, however close you are to someone, or if you are being bullied, is to keep some of your circuits able to function. Go for a walk, hold something comforting or meaningful, give yourself a brief respite.

What Is Character?

For some posts on Character, and whether we sometimes behave very differently, see the NotInCharacter site which links to sequel GroupsandMinds, and then to notes on Protection/Personal Boundaries.

Endish Times

Whether we give credence to End Times prophecies or conspiracy theories, some people wonder if Earth is on the skids towards catastrophe, na...

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