End Times, Conspiracies, Breakaways


Texe Marrs, Jim Marrs, Nick Redfern, Nick Pope, Frank Joseph, Thomas R Horn, Joy Jeffries Pugh, Eugen Weber, Peter Levenda, Walter Bosley, John Keel, Jacques Vallee, William Birnes, Andrew Collins, Toyne Newton, Philip Coppens, James & Lance Morcan, William Bramley, Eve Lorgen, Karla Turner, Dean and Jill Henderson, Sean Casteel, Timothy Beckley, Olav Phillips, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Andrew Johnson, Philip Gardiner, Jeffery Pritchett, Tim Swartz, Joseph Farrell, Philip Imbrogno, Ivan Sanderson, Adam Parfrey, Jim Keith, Mae Brussell, Edward T Haslam, David McGowan, Jay Dyer, Lynn Picknett, Ellis Taylor, Cara St Louis, Daniel Estulin, Kerry Bolton, Gary Lachman, W A Harbinson, Troy McLachlan, Stanley Monteith, Isaac Weishaupt, R A Chamberlin, Truthspoon, Nigel Mortimer, Paul Sinclair, Terry Lovelace, Nigel Kerner, Philip Kinsella, Morten Alexander Joramo, 

This is not meant to be a definitive list, just what appears on my Kindle or stored in places not obscured by other items. Not all are proponents of 'Ancient Alien' theories as depicted on the TV programme and DVDs. Thanks to those who have sent more suggestions. See the next post on Exopolitics at https://groupsandminds.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_20.html

People may not agree with some conclusions that researchers draw, but that does not invalidate the rest of their efforts. They may mention different things that just set your mind rolling, and in these Internet-days they are easy to follow up. The writers mentioned have put together many complex subjects, spelling them out in language and ways that enable the rest of us to get a picture - no easy task. Some may take an entrenched view. Some are included because they show that nothing is fixed or determined:  Ordinary people can make a difference to outcomes.

Thomas R Horn has written a range of books and is also on YouTube, depicting various deceptions doing the rounds. Of course it depends on one's personal perspectives. Maybe try a couple of his later books written with others, or look at the blurbs on Amazon. He has looked wider and deeper than many, and engaged with other peoples and cultures. In a couple of nutshells: He looks at concepts of portals through which other Beings might enter our 'reality' (not always for our benefit), or how that may be enhanced by those in-the-know (see
What About Secret Societies?); He outlines problems that could arise intentionally, or as a by-product, through mixing artificial intelligence, implants, modifications - with human beings, and how viruses could be used against us, effectively controlling our destiny. To be aware of what could happen around us, is a first step to not getting sucked in! 

Exopolitics https://groupsandminds.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_20.html touches on Old Gods, extraterrestrials, Earth's energy grid, chaos and control.

People may get drawn into cults, or a personal relationship, or accept a job even, in the hope of finding something congenial or meaningful for them, only to find they were lured by false representation or hopes. Security or 'answers' may be implied as a front to controlling increasing aspects of members' lives, and thereby power: Easy to be enticed, not so easy to be independent.

Not everyone gets intrigued by cults or those who appear to have 'answers'. We do live in some society or culture, surrounded by media, music, and celebrities at the forefront of new ideas, who can also be impressionable, rather than deliberately misleading others. Isaac Weishaupt a.k.a. IlliminatiWatcher has looked at a vast range of conspiracy theories and theorists. I am simply unable to summarise his excellent summaries!

A word of warning: Some of the issues are pretty heady, or can get highly charged. Just bear in mind that things & people are not always how they seem. They can have personal or financial agendas, and they can turn into being 'cult-like'. Sometimes they are used themselves, or duped into promoting certain ideas or people. Forums are supposedly places for exchange of ideas or ideals, but they can be divisive and damaging, political even. Always be careful what you reveal about yourself, or say about other people, and particularly who you get involved with!

There have been suggestions that, although some information is well based, it could be a stepping stone towards implanting falsehoods, i.e. the opposite of reality, or who may be behind it (or anything in between). It is easy to be drawn by others into conflicts, online or ordinary, that somehow keep on rolling, after a seemingly pleasant start. People can be part of something bigger, controversial, or contrived. And everyone should be entitled to change their mind or reconsider, and stay safe.

See more on the Protection & Boundaries post, including Assault on the Mind, Cuckooing.

A Pandemic to Crown Us

We're inundated with news of Coronavirus and its spread. Some speculate it is part of an End Times scenario. In UK we know a little of what house-arrest must feel like. Buses in our area are suddenly empty and a rarity, taxis not operating. Toilet rolls rarer. Overnight we were told to stay indoors, get food delivered, and keep our distance. 'Social distancing' is a term that half the population thinks we all grasp instantly. Virtually all shops close, plus parks, golf courses, pubs, eating/coffee places, hairdressers, with pharmacies backed up with prescriptions. Patients cannot visit their doctor's surgery, nor medical staff get protective clothing. Efforts are made to lessen financial problems for some people, grouping others as essential workers. As individuals we lose control, and usually get some of our bearings through interacting with people, or having a change-of-scene.

See YouTube channel for Dr David E Martin for Butterfly of the Week series at www.youtube.com/user/walesy6161 - He theorises we are part of a kind of psychological or sociological experiment. Others think some NHS Twitter accounts are bogus, suddenly getting wiped by the instigator, or it's all part of a plot to get people forcibly vaccinated. Everyone has their views or doubts, because nothing fits neatly. Each person bears some responsibility for what they do or believe. Do your own research, be careful, and don't be afraid to change your mind: It's how we learn and get closer to what we need. If you think that the contagion of Coronavirus is all one big myth, Conspiracy Journal would not agree, so please don't take unnecessary risks.

Beliefs about religion or spirituality vary, and Churches feel it too risky to continue public gatherings, affecting other support available at a time when people are cut off or needing practical help. Some offer any help they can, so make enquiries. Some film a Service for online. If yours can't, see which ones do.

Police will monitor, dispersing groups of more than 2 or 3 if not the same family living together. We're not meant to go visiting though can deliver supplies. The Police Federation were not given much info, and felt it unfeasible. There are discrepancies in application in different parts of UK. Fines were imposed, and now the CPS announce they will re-examine all the cases. I have concerns over the divisive nature, pitting groups against others. We are similarly all-at-sea, and many things we would do are gone. We do what we can to comply, but this was imposed with no systems in place to tackle problem areas. The cat is out; we did not know. Further classifications are due on people being confined for 12 weeks rather than the general 3, meant to 'shield' them from risk. Many miss inclusion though vulnerable, or are forced by circumstances to work. It's like a double-bind, leaving significant dilemmas. Measures seem likely to be extended, but messages are mixed. That's pretty well inevitable, and we need to think for ourselves. Some people are forced to keep working or to resume, with a rationale that they're no more at risk than going shopping. We're told we must shop but only for essentials. We can't get in a car to visit someone, or get to a safe out-of-the-way place. Journeys on public transport 'have to be essential', but transport is withdrawn. Yes, I get it, drivers have tragically died. But the rest must keep on, while we can't make an informed decision? Weigh up whether to curtail activity for a couple of weeks at times, yet do something we need to? On a sunny day, people tend to flock outside, but are made to stop. Told to work, to shop or not. Risky or not? 'Heads I win, Tails you lose.' It doesn't mesh, but the stats are alarming; this thing is contagious.

Viral Is As Viral Does

When news spread about this Coronavirus, we were guided by predictions of probability: that it was possible to get through fairly unharmed unless one had breathing problems, that children were unlikely to catch it though could spread it, that elderly people stand a poorer chance of survival if infected, and so on. Both viruses and social memes, have their own survival mechanisms and, in-a-sense 'Devil take the hindmost'. What they do very effectively is adapt to survive. Mid-range age groups and some young children, though seeming to be OK, suddenly develop different, scary symptoms requiring urgent medical intervention. Some people in their 80s and 90s come through a serious bout in hospital, smiling and ready to pick up the pieces. Whatever patterns or pathways seemed to prevail, CV knows better. It thrives in closed environments like ships, prisons, care homes. Staff in those are at risk of succumbing. Imagine working in a hospital with infectious patients, being told not to complain about not having protective masks and clothing - or risk being fired. Yet they are dedicated to their work. The rest of us can't go out except to queue for food-shopping, or to walk, run, bike. Where we thought the illness had mainly physical effects, it can have serious consequences for brain functioning in some of us. It may be better being isolated! They got that right.

900,000 pensioners normally collect their pension in cash at a Post Office, and only 30,000 have been contacted about an alternative method. Those are likely in the main 'shielding' category, yet many elderly and possibly vulnerable people have been queueing up. Alternatives are being put in place, but delays can have serious consequences. People don't like to ask for help (especially if they keep being told what they can or can't do), and may not get help even if they ask or need it.  Many Post Offices are on reduced hours. When my father first retired, he insisted on collecting his pension rather than it go into a bank account, which was some kind of independent streak, and I guess it runs through me. What's a good word for rules that target or penalise people who are without options, and may not have anyone to fight for them or who can be trusted? There are many issues like this. Has some behavioural virus got at the rule-makers? It is tragic.

Mini CV Update

I realise the seriousness of our situation and the efforts put in place. I wouldn't want to be the person/group making a decision to lift lockdown. Does anyone have concerns that people are not meant to go fishing, for youngsters to play, for families to have a party? OK, a line needs drawing somewhere. Now we learn that car-sharing to work is off the menu, or giving someone driving lessons. Can no-one get a lift home with the 'weekly-shop'? Is it really law? There's concern that measures were rushed through without usual parliamentary procedures, so we're stuck with them for now, good or bad. 'Indifferent' they are not. People are castigated for stockpiling food, while learning lockdown could go to the end of May. Delivery or click + collect slots are 3 weeks ahead if one can get one. People desperate to arrange something for a relative in need, lash out at other people getting the slots. Booking is not straightforward, and messages are confusing. Let's hope things will get ironed out, before we all get creased.

On 1st April - no less, we learn our main bus service terminates before getting here, affecting key workers getting to work, so there will be extra trains and buses for them. The Oxford to London Tube bus is temporarily suspended. If there was any doubt over getting out once in a while to do something important, you may face a fine: (Do you really not care about a criminal record? Latest I saw is that if you pay the fine, the record gets wiped, whereas contesting the issue can mean a criminal record and/or naming. Hey, I'm not an expert, but would probably pay up, fight later.)

Densely populated areas are likely to be more problematic. Have you seen photos of Londoners packed onto Tube trains getting to work, while the rest of us are told to stay 2 metres apart?

Advice was that elderly and vulnerable people should stay in, getting home deliveries. That was not feasible, so over 70's are now told to food-shop, which can involve a long queue. I guess it's that, or get rations dumped at the door by the Army or someone. Disabled people, and many with longterm health vulnerability cannot get on the scheme for food delivery. (A recent Facebook post warns people not to just cancel emergency food parcels that arrive, as it would also take you off the supermarket priority list - contact your local Council instead.)  Some home care packages in Scotland have been axed. Some supermarkets, unable to cope with numerous deliveries, ask people who can to shop in-store, begging them not to browse all the aisles. Sure, we'll stay home, trug out for things we can get... Some countries are facing worse hunger than ever, and far worse laws.

Concerns are raised by some people who seem to know their stuff, that the economy won't stand a cuckoo's chance-in-hell if some things are not kept going or given a boost. Many of us would agree in principle. I wonder how people will fare once their trusty car needs repairs, they can't get the work done or their finances have bitten the dust. Who decides the crucial issues, or shall we all play ping-pong?

Consider whether grabbing a chance of replacement work, doing certain types of voluntary work, or getting others to do stuff for you, puts you & yours, or other people, at greater risk. Everyone's circumstances vary, and we can only do our best to keep informed and adapt. I am not medically trained, but there are some statistics worth considering. If you have a health problem, or you are aged over 70 and get coronavirus, you are more likely to become seriously ill. Men are more likely to fare worse than women, across age groups. Young people can get CV. Recent statistics suggest increased risk, if infected, in people in their 40s and 50s. If you feel very tired, don't push yourself. I did just that, an anomaly aged 50, telling my doctor I'd got shingles. Bluntly he said 'That's chickenpox, you are highly infectious. Go home.' Minor forms of CV can include headaches, itchy eyes, loss of smell & taste, muscle pains and other features. I had the first two in February before knowing this, and could be immune like many others. People who harp on over staying home for the safety of all, tout trade at the local market. All credit to the market, but I won't visit at this time whether or not I believe myself immune.

The World Health Organisation WHO, advises people who have recovered from coronavirus, to keep away from other people a further 2 weeks. Anyone can be vulnerable, and anyone can catch or spread CV. Although CV is reckoned not to be airborne, it seems it could linger in air around patients' rooms. It can survive on cardboard, plastic, stainless steel; hence handwashing advice. Research suggests a majority of patients who suffer serious complications, also have another virus affecting breathing, or other health issue. I'm unable to check this out, but read that there could be some relevance whether people had a TB vaccination. If I remember right, it was uncomfortable leaving a circle on the skin, and then someone measured the diameter. When my father-in-law had a persistent cough, my husband told doctors he thought it was TB. He had experience of infectious diseases and isolation hospitals, but the doctors had never seen a patient with it. Since then, TB has again become more widespread. Some people think that those who've had a standard flu vaccination, may be more vulnerable depending on other factors. There could be more than one strain of CV, explaining such anomalies as a third of nearly 500 homeless in a Boston hostel testing positive for CV, a few of them having mild symptoms, just one needing hospital. Along similar lines, a random street study in Massachusetts found 1 in 3 subjects tested positive for antibodies, with a proviso 'Just because you have the antibodies doesn't mean you've cleared the virus'. (Now we hear statistics that suggest very few people appear to have antibodies, but the tests are subject to errors, so where are we in all this?) Alongside any of these figures are tragic accounts of people coming in contact with one infected person or attending one event, and going rapidly downhill. As if this were not enough, some people aged 30-50 with no or few symptoms of CV, though testing positive, have developed sudden strokes, puzzling doctors.

The Economist has a recent article that, not only has air pollution decreased in some areas with people in isolation due to coronavirus, less factories operating, but certain airborne particles could have been making some of us more susceptible, so things have improved in that respect. Some people theorise that 5G is involved. It seems possible that various factors interact. We don't know how, but speculate anyway. Since writing this, 20 UK phone masts have been attacked in a few days, making World news. One of David Icke's videos is under scrutiny, but he and others have been concerned for a long time, something about 'electrification of the Planet' including us! Check out Dr Vernon Coleman regarding vaccinations and treatments, and targeting of older or vulnerable people. Overnight (is there a pattern), local NHS dentists are closed for lack of protective equipment. They managed as well as they could, but what happens until other avenues open, apart from A&E?

Home, or Home Alone

It will be easy to suss that many people are stuck indoors, maybe home alone, so keep your doors locked, watch what signals you may give off to people passing, looking for homes or people to target, or passing info to their friends. Boundaries again, and opportunism. A lot of people don't like net curtains, but maybe you can shield an area or window so it's not obvious you are actually there. Make it look under control. What would you think are vulnerable aspects? Particularly, be wary of anyone trying to infiltrate your life personally or financially. Having sudden restrictions on our movement did not allow making banking arrangements. Phone queueing for universal credit in UK reached 100,000 callers; today DWP say people should not phone in a new claim, but file online. (New unemployment claims in United States were over 6 million claims in the last week, and over 16 million in the last 3 weeks. (How can things easily stabilise?) Estate agents cannot show houses unless empty, and people may not complete sales due to chains giving way. There is little people can do in some situations to improve their lot without assistance, and many also support children or a vulnerable family member.

People who offer to shop for groceries, or get cash out for you may be genuine, but some Banks no longer send statements for you to check transactions. Limit what you allow or risk. If you can, get advice from Citizens Advice, or Age UK. A contact had all her savings taken through giving card details to a 'helper'.

Domestic violence has risen since lockdown in UK, and train travel to Refuges is being made free for women fleeing abusive situations. Now, some Boots stores are offering to provide a place where people can start getting help. Check it out before you go. I won't attempt to do updates on so many changes occurring so fast. We were getting into a mess before, and CV has caught us on the back foot. Be extra careful over scams, and safety.

A lot of people are trying to plan or help, but for one reason or another, some things people work on don't seem to be in the right gear to get moving.

For more on Protection & Boundaries, Assault on the Mind, Cuckooing, see https://groupsandminds.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_19.html


You all have your own situation and priorities, have some support or not, can stand being cut off, unable to do things. These Blogs started before most of us heard of Coronavirus.  You won't like me, or some of this stuff, but no matter! I'm no expert, and know nothing of medical issues. I get concerned that people won't get the medical help they need, because of other pressures on the NHS. (Local A&E Hospitals, alarmed that people with potentially serious conditions are staying away, send out pleas for them to seek help.) What we can do is keep lines of communication open, on and offline. It all goes towards getting us through to the other side of this. Somehow that does seem important.

We are now on UK lockdown for at least a further 3 weeks. 24 charities have appealed for action to the MP with responsibility for food, copying their request to various major suppliers. People with learning difficulties or autism had some reprieve over being allowed outside more, but many people's circumstances preclude them from being able to go into shops for food, who also cannot get deliveries. Newspapers and human rights advisers point out anomalies over what is regarded as a 'reasonable excuse' for leaving home, or sitting on a bench. How long is a piece of string? Moving home is now OK? People who were trying to move into the house next door with a van booked, finally giving up, must be hopping. So it goes on. If I don't know whether to order something that could be useful later, I tend to think what people I've known would do or suggest.

For a classic from UK Government:
  • 'The date can wait
  • If you don't live with your partner, keep
  • in touch via social media or the phone'
Again, then I really am done with this section, The Guardian has a beaut about Police being overwhelmed by people snitching on neighbours they can't stand, over trivial or false matters - including how many lovers have been turning up there. 1984 indeed.

  • People need options
  • What they don't need, is no options
  • There is something strangely punitive
  • About some of the measures -
  • Don't you think?

On 3rd May 2020, Matt Hancock stipulates via Twitter that people aged over 70 who are not vulnerable healthwise (statistically unless they catch coronavirus), come under the usual guidelines if they practise social distancing. There will not be a blanket ban on their leaving the house as rumoured. This was in response to a Sunday Times article. But there have been selected press briefings from which things like this stem, whether or not largely headline stunts. Now everyone and their aunt call the rest of us fools for not realising a technical distinction between extremely vulnerable, and 70s and/or vulnerable. Need it plainer still please, but it's a start. I won't cancel the hard-won Tesco slot to boost our cupboard with heavy stuff & petfood, as we await news of a further lockdown term and whether we must wear facemasks in public.

More buses would be good as our local eBay/Argos click+collect closed, with no way to reach the main one, and the other is on a service every 90 minutes instead of half-hourly. Things could be worse, and in some respects people are behaving more normally. Equal, it ain't, rumours don't help, and why are people at each others' throats, refusing to think how things may be, or just seem, for them?

Further thoughts and developments appear at VIEWPoint-X https://groupsandminds.blogspot.com/p/viewpointx.html


Blogs have a habit of losing some posts when they get a bit long. The main Website with most of this, updated when we know more, is at www.mindcluk.uk

See you there.

* * * * *


'In the fight against COVID-19, a sea monster has emerged from 19th century Japanese folklore in countless new iterations — from art to food to fashion — as a symbol of hope, an internet meme and pop culture mascot.

"In 1846, Amabie emerged from the ocean and spoke in human language, predicting six years of good harvests, followed by a wave of diseases," says Kazuhiko Komatsu, an emeritus professor at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto.'



UFO Experiencers

Some people feel they had positive experiences; Some nearly got destroyed physically or mentally. I added Terry Lovelace to the list of authors above, see his book Incident at Devils Den, and search on Google. His work is mentioned as being the closest I have seen to possible events of a friend of mine, with a strangely similar background. My friend never mentioned a UFO or psychic experience, but something clearly happened that changed him and his life beyond recognition. Not my story to tell, but he deteriorated as if the life-force had been sucked out of him, and he gradually regained his faculties by sheer determination. Not everyone is able to. We may not succeed in finding out what lies behind some things in our lives, but look out for this book. And wonder!


Many a true word...
It is only as I sign off on this, that I recall the area we all lived when this happened: You've heard of window areas like Yorkshire where paranormal events are reported. Well this area had its moments, with an abundance of forestry land and a natural lake. Rumour had it that one of our colleagues 'was never the same since seeing a UFO over the lake'. Thinking of some other activities prevalent in the region, some things start to fall into place. A plethora of strange events or activities can occur in close proximity to each other. Nigel Mortimer's book on Yorkshire UFO's Portals & Gateways, mentions dog heads being found mounted on trees. Is it coincidence that during the time my friend seemed 'attacked', animal heads were found on a circle of poles down the road from the lake? Some things are more imaginary than others, but people who saw those heads were in no doubt how real, and nasty, the experience was.


Be careful who you mix with
Some of this works as a circuit. There can be a line-of-least-resistance aspect, where a sensitive or temporarily vulnerable person, cops for most effects. My friend suffered in his workplace, which was near to known trouble spots that seemed not to bother others. He showed improvement when a troublesome colleague of mine suddenly died: Had that person unwittingly been a focal point? I don't suggest being proactive, but to understand your own circumstances as best you can. Place buffers in the way to prevent anyone getting an inroad, or 'feeding off' your energies. Some people naturally protect each other. My friend was a fairly clever all-rounder, and I wondered if someone had concerns he would suss something out. Some of this is speculative, but may help others in some way.

You could check out Exposing the Alien Conspiracy by Morten Alexander Joramo, for a different approach. And read some Djinn material too.

And finally!

Also added is the name of Nigel Kerner, author of Grey Aliens & The Harvesting of Souls. Is this what it's all really about? Many Moons ago, our class had to sit a kind of general exam, hopefully showing whether we could string ideas together - or waffle 'meaningfully'. Out of nowhere, I came up with an idea that it was only a Creator who could actually create Souls. I had never thought about it before, but it seems worth thinking about in these strange unthinkable times we live.


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Endish Times

Whether we give credence to End Times prophecies or conspiracy theories, some people wonder if Earth is on the skids towards catastrophe, na...

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