Beginnings & Endings

We live in unprecedented times. Our handheld gadgets do things better than we or our soon-to-be obsolete computers can. We grasp things on a daily basis, while much goes unnoticed or is too hard to get back to. A colleague and I started a Facebook page that has been retrieved at News and Muse. Now there is this page with some links, before everything just 'hangs'.

A temporary lock was just placed on my Twitter account for the very first time. I had to delete the following:

Could a #vaccine #combine with #5G? Or xyz? Do your own #research. "#Nerve #cell #proteins, #activated by heat + mechanical pressure can be #genetically #engineered to be sensitive to #radio #waves + #magnetic #fields by attaching to an #iron-storing #protein called #ferritin."

Search for 'ferritin' information going back to before the current vaccination situation. It may not have relevance, but can we not raise questions about any of this? As a delivery driver commented to me in a random conversation, 'This isn't over yet. We all have to look after ourselves.'

Is stalking a kind of scam, a cuckooing of one's life? Do Cults work by cuckooing the mind, the soul? Watch where you place your trust! Update at Groups, Minds & BeliefsProtection & Boundaries

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Many of us have been struggling with the changing situation over coronavirus, not altogether helped by the lockdown that suddenly got amended in bits, and no-one can be expected to comply with it all. It is simply not consistent. People get divided between those that disagree over this, or over anything else. The last 2 weeks have seen demonstrations or riots over the death of George Floyd in America, where it turns out there seems a prior link between the victim and perpetrator. This incident has gone worldwide, and has not subsided. Statues have been toppled, or boarded up. A demonstration by the Far Left (I think), was cancelled, but the Far Right decided it was their turn to have a ruckus. Somehow it has resonated with the slavery of many years back.

A Daily Mail headline announced that French have sent in the Army to deal with Chechen gangs in Dijon, mounting revenge attacks on Arab gangsters for beating of a 16-year-old. The Mail likens it to a war zone. BBC is more temperate, simply mentioning Police reinforcements after a number of incidents. The situation there and elsewhere around the World, does not look good or safe for anyone who gets caught up, going about their ordinary lives.

The more one looks, the more things seem to be linked with each other. My starting point was an interest in groups or cults, and personal interaction. We've looked at books by Thomas R Horn, who delves into many areas. Of significance is his recent book Shadowland: From Jeffrey Epstein to the Clintons, from Obama and Biden to the Occult Elite, Exposing the Deep-State Actors at War with Christianity, Donald Trump, and America's Destiny, where he examines polarisation in politics. He has a chapter on Jeffrey Epstein and the occult trappings around his luxurious home. If we wondered if there was something deeper than sex and blackmail there, we'd be inclined to think no-one could have the time for occult rituals, let alone organising them. Maybe someone else does that... Read that chapter if you can, and see what you think.

There is also Peter Nygard along similar lines. Some people link the NXVIUM cult, recently in the news with regard to branding of cult members, and luring in young women and girls. There does seem to be a pattern of control, and some of the same names and activities crop up. We shouldn't assume people who know each other or lead different lifestyles from ours, are all the same or are guilty of all of it. Some aspects do cause concern.

Fact or Fiction

Some writers aim to put all the ills in philosophy down to Marxism or whatever. I plead ignorance to a lot of the subtlety in such arguments. People draw links with child abuse and children's homes, blaming Labour for turning a blind-eye to what was happening decades ago. Recently, we hear more of Brexit, that wealthy people stand to make more money if we leave the EU, and ironically from coronavirus lockdown. Some main individuals involved seem linked to each other, even are married to someone with a vested interest, and being appointed to a post regardless or because of it. On that side of the fence gets mentioned eugenics, which I thought was a left-wing academic goal. Those involved carry on blatantly while their selfishness or errors shine darkly. You could think there'd be some semblance of humanity, or a desire not to be caught out. Beware some of those who do seem genuinely concerned.

When rules and law-making over what people can and cannot do in the privacy of their homes or lives, sound oddly like edicts from a cult leader, we should worry! People who did not share a home with their partner were told the date could wait, no visiting or sex. Not long after, people living alone were told they could have a 'bubble' with another person, meeting indoors without distancing, and being able to spend the night. Or meeting up to six people outdoors. No need now for some reasonable excuse. No chop-and-change proviso but people are not totally confined to barracks, though many people, particularly in the former shielding category, say No-way. Police have been involved trying to maintain flimsy or impractical roles, now are expected to ensure people on public transport wear facemasks? What of those who just wear them over the mouth,,  never wash them, or remove them and sit twirling them on the ride?

There has been so much chop-and-change. If you devise a chaos experiment where you just start, then whittle down aspects towards the true goal, you're on-the-road. With another lockdown, more data, more rules including local restrictions, you could keep parts of Leicester closed down a further 2 weeks, for instance, as it's densely populated with a higher than average infection rate... Whatever rule is made for one category, it is not likely to simply end there. People notice discrepancies, whatever they are, or they may be linked by family, business or other factors.

People give statistics of 1 percent of people owning umpty percent of all wealth, and there could be sliderule stuff to maintain or exacerbate that. Has there been a design (not sheer carelessness) to promote the opposite of care in our care homes for the elderly or infirm? There was early alarm from Italy, where the death rate for coronavirus rocketed where the population were older and in enclosed spaces. England sent elderly people from hospital into care homes without testing, and thousands died, accounting for almost half the deaths. Figures are not precise, some being based on assumptions of actually having the infection.

Confusion reigns over so-called superspreaders, large public events in the early days, or people who travelled to more than one country when this was starting up. Even now we don't understand enough to be sure, so we close down just-in-case, which is understandable. And a whole load of other stuff which is not so, or is cruel. Groups acting for disabled or vulnerable people speak of Do Not Resuscitate situations, where certain interventions are withheld due to a note on the patient's records. People in the shielding group speak of a phone call asking if they would rather die at home or in hospital. Despite sadness and hardship of strictures over visiting or funerals, most people complied. When it transpired that some people making these rules were also breaking them, much hue-and-cry. The privacy of olden days is largely gone!

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(In 2020) I read that we'd be given new edicts every 28 days rather than 21, though the later day has passed unnoticed. From early July many things change and more will be do-able, with many ifs and buts. People are over-informed but still in the dark. Deaths and infections meet new heights, clever people theorise over statistics and transmission, and graphs appear to show infection increased after lockdown, but the disease has pathways of its own. 17 young women went on a celebratory binge as lockdown eased, and all became infected. (Is that a statistical anomaly?) The original laid-back advice to self-isolate for a week or so to recover, sounds hollow in the context of healthy people having light symptoms, then getting seriously ill.

People can behave cautiously and sensibly, only to have plans thrown to the winds by a chance happening. It is hard to see how people will get their eyes tested, teeth seen to, hair trimmed, with no second thought or risk to anyone including themselves. Do we all rush out to get sorted? I don't think we know enough about transmission from touching surfaces to know if it has much risk. Binmen warn that they handle a lot of bins, so wash your own hands afterwards. No-one seems to suggest washing your face when you've been out and about. Why? Whatever one thinks of Dr Vernon Coleman's views on some things, I too think hospital and care workers could cause problems if they wear work clothes on public transport, in shops, or back to their families.

I wish it was possible to be more positive at this stage, but we need to do what we can to avoid unnecessary risk and suffering. In early days, it was tempting to think the coronavirus situation would subside, or be prevalent in some but not most places. Projections led governments to plan huge temporary hospitals and morgues, and accommodation for people who might have the illness or be 'at risk'. Press briefings were held, and journalists added their own alarms and speculations. It sounded like regimentation, decisions being made about us, with our having no choice. I certainly wondered about some of it, then it didn't seem so bad. Then it did, and some parts could turn out to be so. We need to keep informed. If there is a resurgence, as seems indicated from other countries, how would things be handled here? Are we prepared, got enough food in, in case people panic-buy again? What if the buses suddenly get taken off again, trains don't let people travel, you can't get simple medicines or sticking plasters, or stationery, screws and paint? Or this time bin collections stop, not just the garden waste? And it's cold outside and in, with mounting bills? Not the summer we've had that sent people to crowd on beaches and litter like no tomorrow? What if every time schools reopen, many have to close again through infection? And people fear going to work, even if they have some?

Or your Internet goes down?

"An outbreak at a nursery has led to 20 children and adults being confirmed with Covid-19."

I question why severe lockdown was imposed in March 2020, and within a few weeks it was announced some schools should reopen in June. Naturally, some parents and others raised concerns, and plans were amended for the remainder of the term. Things cannot be completely barred and 'illegal' one week, and many-systems-go after date 'X'. The nursery school in this instance put out a statement that there is no risk to the wider community. Each child and staff member probably has other people they interact with. Few might not.

In February 2021, young children in some parts of US and UK, will be part of an experimental trial over vaccination. How did we get here?

Let's say that I don't understand the mentality of people who take risks with children, who cannot take a stand for themselves. 

Endish Times

Whether we give credence to End Times prophecies or conspiracy theories, some people wonder if Earth is on the skids towards catastrophe, na...

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