Kelly's Tale

Few Things are Impossible - Alice

Cultic beliefs and behaviours are not necessarily bad in themselves, but can have devastating effects, both on those involved and those involved with them.

'A Singular Yarn' - Strange but true happenings in Hicktown - Utopia, Untopia or Cult?

Was the glue binding it all some highly questionable therapy meted out to vulnerable women? Covered up by 'powers that be'?

Kelly wanted to write her own book. Part of her aim was to make money so she could get out of the awful trap of living that she was in. Much of what Kelly did including engaging with people on the Internet, was her only means of hoping her life could change for the better, moving somewhere away from it all and having a new start.

As outsiders listening to selected parts of it, we wondered about the underlying philosophy or belief system. Kelly asked if we never heard of the End Times coming. Their way would  protect themselves, while others would not survive. (Is this why some celebrities and practitioners of the dark arts feel they will get away with anything, and their ways are even necessary?) It seemed to link with accounts surrounding Jeffrey Epstein and others in powerful positions, who may or may not engage in all of the pursuits, but there is often a theme of sex parties, and control via supply of drugs or information held, i.e. leverage. It takes a few brave souls to step outside of it all, and give-us-a-clue.

Endish Times

Whether we give credence to End Times prophecies or conspiracy theories, some people wonder if Earth is on the skids towards catastrophe, na...

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